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The National Assemblies of God church in Peru has an established missions program, however, they have less than two dozen international missionaries. Also, they are not actively mobilizing home missions among the local churches. This presents an opportunity for US Missionaries to come along side the national church to invigorate its home and foreign missions development.
Our team is partnering with local churches in Yurimaguas to assist them in becoming fully engaged in missions. It is our desire to have every pastor, local church, and believer participate in missions, emphasizing the indigenous unreached people groups of the Peruvian Amazon River Basin. We will help raise missions awareness through encouraging prayer and generous (sacrificial) giving, networking, training, and facilitating both home and foreign missions however possible.
Missions mobilization
You may be asking yourself, "What is an "Unreached People Group" (UPG)?" Well, a UPG is a group of people where there is no national church present and insufficient numbers of Christians to adequately evangelize without outside help. Jesus commanded that we go into all the world and preach the good news. One of the chief tenants of AGWM is the belief that every person is important to God and He wants each and every one of them to have a chance to hear the message about his Son Jesus. So, that is our mission--to take the message of Jesus to the extremely isolated unreached peoples living in the Peruvian Amazon River Basin. Our strategy is to join hands and resources with our brothers from the national church. With this collaboration we have a much larger, stronger, and better equipped team to reach the unreached.
One Team.
One Mission.
UNREACHED people groups
While Jesus lived, his priority was to make disciples who, in turn, made disciples. From the beginning, preparing national leaders has been among LACs highest priorities. Although Peru has a national church, there are areas where it can use the assistance of US Missionaries, especially in Yurimaguas where the national church is geographically isolated.
Our team is committed to help train the next generation of pastors, teachers, and workers in Peru. We do this through developing close relationships with national workers (mentoring), holding orality seminars, helping build Bible Schools and Training Institutes, as well as teaching courses when necessary.
Our team is committed to help train the next generation of pastors, teachers, and workers in Peru. We do this through developing close relationships with national workers (mentoring), holding orality seminars, helping build Bible Schools and Training Institutes, as well as teaching courses when necessary.
Serving in Peru makes us part of the Latin America Caribbean region. LAC World Missions is a diverse region of 32 countries, 7 main language groups, and 640 million people. According to LAC statistics, there are 550 million people who have not received an adequate witness to the gospel, and more than 20 million people who have never heard the name of Jesus. Syncretism, animism, idolatry, and distorted images of Christ are present across every country and culture.
The Hendons' ministry consists of evangelizing and discipling Shawi, Candoshi and Quechua Indians located in villages along the Huallaga, Marañón, and Pastaza rivers. They are also committed to raising awareness and support of world and home missions in the local churches. Our desire is to share the salvation message with as many communities as possible and to come alongside those nationals God is calling to lead His future churches.
LAC has developed seven priority initiatives for its efforts: CHURCH PLANTING, TRAINING, MISSIONS MOBILIZATION, UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS, UNIVERSITY, CHILDREN, and COMPASSION. Our work in Peru will focus primarily on three of the seven.
The Hendons' ministry consists of evangelizing and discipling Shawi, Candoshi and Quechua Indians located in villages along the Huallaga, Marañón, and Pastaza rivers. They are also committed to raising awareness and support of world and home missions in the local churches. Our desire is to share the salvation message with as many communities as possible and to come alongside those nationals God is calling to lead His future churches.
LAC has developed seven priority initiatives for its efforts: CHURCH PLANTING, TRAINING, MISSIONS MOBILIZATION, UNREACHED PEOPLE GROUPS, UNIVERSITY, CHILDREN, and COMPASSION. Our work in Peru will focus primarily on three of the seven.
Yurimaguas (population 65,000) is a port city located at the edge of the rainforest in northeastern Peru (Loreto state). It is very unique as it is the last urban center connected to the rest of Peru via roads. For residents of Loreto, transportation is dominated by river travel. From the port of Yurimaguas, goods and supplies from the Pacific or Andean Highlands make it downriver to Loreto's capital city (population 500.000) and other villages along the way.
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