Prayer Partners.
We cannot express how much we need your prayers! We've said it before and we'll say it again--your prayers help us to reclaim spiritual ground! We appreciate it when you let us know you're praying for us. There are a few different ways you can do this.
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To commit to praying regularly and to find specific prayer requests, you can visit our Missions Directory page at or download the App .
Video Chat & Social media
Another great way we can stay connected is through video chat and social media. For several months, the world has been under "lockdown" and "social distancing." During this time, social media has given us a sort of life line to remain connected. WhatsApp; Facebook and Zoom are different ways we can join you via video chat.
send us your prayer requests
Partnership is not a one-way-street. We pray for our friends, family, churches, pastors and supporters regularly. Please, please, PLEASE, let us know of any specific prayer needs so we can lift you up.
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